Norfolk Badminton Association Constitution
The Association shall be called the Norfolk Badminton Association (hereinafter called the Association).
The objects of the Association shall be:
- to promote the game of badminton and to further its growth and development in the county of Norfolk
- to provide opportunities to play the sport irrespective of age and ability
- to arrange coaching to enable individuals to reach their desired level of competence
- to organize county matches, county championships, tournaments, interclub and other competitions
Any club whose object or one of whose objects is badminton and whose hall is in the county of Norfolk may apply to the committee for membership of the Association. In addition the committee shall have the power to elect annually vice presidents up to a maximum of 12 in number and to accept applications for honorary membership of the Association.
The Association shall be affiliated to Badminton England.
The annual subscription payable to the Association by affiliated clubs shall be payable in advance of the date set by Badminton England and shall include all liability to Badminton England. An affiliated club wishing to withdraw from the Association shall give written notice to the honorary secretary.
The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee consisting of the officers, namely: the president, chairperson, vice chairperson, the preceding year’s chairperson, secretary, treasurer, registration secretary, match secretary, tournament secretary, veterans secretary, development officer, press officer, the representative on the Council of Badminton England, representatives from the Norwich and District Badminton Association, the Norfolk Schools Association and the Junior Sub committee and twelve members of affiliated clubs and/or individual affiliated 'Oncourt' or 'Courtside' members. The committee shall be elected annually in the manner hereinafter prescribed and shall take office from the date of the Annual General Meeting. More than one of the above offices may be vested in the same person.
- Date and purpose: The Annual General Meeting of the association shall be held in Norfolk during May or as soon after as can conveniently be arranged, for the purpose of:
- Electing the officers for the ensuing year;
- Electing the other members of the committee for the ensuing year;
- Electing the honorary auditor for the ensuing year;
- Receiving the report of the honorary secretary and reports of the subcommittees not included in the former report;
- Receiving the balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year;
- Fixing the affiliation subscription;
- Any other business.
- Notices: Printed or written notices convening the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the secretaries of all the affiliated clubs, the members of the committee and the honorary auditor. This notice shall contain particulars of all proposed amendments to the rules and other resolutions for discussion and shall be sent to those entitled to receive it not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Particulars of all matters which affiliated clubs or members of the committee wish to have included in the agenda shall be sent to the secretary of the Association not later than 28 days prior to the date of the meeting.
- Chairman: The President shall be chairman if present at the meeting.
- Voting and Quorum: Each affiliated club may appoint two members of the club to vote at the meeting. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to an ordinary vote. Voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is provided by the rules or is, prior to any vote either (a) directed by the Chairman, or (b) demanded by not less than three appointed members. Seven appointed members shall form a quorum.
- Carriage of motions: Motions shall be carried if a majority of the votes properly cast shall be for the motion, except as provided under Rule 15.
- Election of Officers, other members of the committee and honorary auditor:
- Nominations of officers of the association and honorary auditor may be received at or before the Annual General Meeting. With the exception of the President and honorary auditor all these nominations must be members of affiliated clubs, or individual 'Oncourt' or 'Courtside' members.
- Each affiliated club may, not later than 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, send nominations in writing to the honorary secretary for one member of the committee. Each nominee must be a member of an affiliated club.
- If more than one effective nomination is received for any one or more of the officers, for the honorary auditor, or if more than twelve effective nominations are received for other members of the committee, then the contested election shall be by ballot.
- If the number of effective nominations is equal to or less than the number of vacancies, the nominees shall be elected and any remaining vacancies may be filled by nominations made by appointed members at the meeting. If the number of late nominations exceed the number of vacancies, election shall be by ballot, and if the number of nominations is insufficient to fill the vacancies the committee shall have the power to fill these.
At the request of the committee or upon receipt in writing (which shall include the purpose for which the meeting is to be convened) from five affiliated clubs, the honorary secretary shall within 28 days convene an extraordinary general meeting of the Association. The rules governing Notice, Chairman, Voting and Quorum and Carriage of the Motion shall be the same as those for the Annual General Meetings. (Rules 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5).
- Meetings, notice and quorum:The honorary secretary shall convene a meeting of the committee when requested to do so by the President, or three members thereof, within fourteen days or at any time at his discretion. Written notice shall be given to each member at least seven days in advance of the date of the meeting, giving the time, date, place and agenda of the meeting. Five members shall form a quorum.
- Chairman, voting and carriage of motions: The President, if present, shall be chairman, otherwise the committee shall appoint its own chairman. Each member, including the chairman, shall have one vote and in addition, the chairman shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by show of hands unless prior to a vote (a) the chairman directs or (b) two members request a ballot. A motion shall be carried of a majority of those voting are in favour.
- Powers: The committee shall have the power to:
- fill any vacancies arising under Rule 7 and fill any casual vacancies.
- appoint sub-committees which may consist of members of the committee and/or co-opted persons, and to delegate any of its powers thereto.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
10. SUB-COMMITTEES (including team selection sub-committee):
- Meetings, notice and quorum: each sub-committee shall appoint a secretary who shall convene meetings when requested by any member with in fourteen days or at any time at his discretion. Written notice shall be given to each member at least seven days in advance of the date of the meeting giving the time, date, place and agenda. One half (ignoring fractions) of the total number of members shall form a quorum.
- Chairman, voting and carriage of motions: the rules governing chairman, voting and carriage of motions shall be the same as those for the committee (Rule 9.2)
- Composition: The team selection sub-committee shall consist of three members who shall be appointed by the committee. These three members will select county team captains for the season who will be co-opted onto this sub-committee with full voting powers.
- Powers: The sub-committee will have the power to (a) select the teams to represent the county; (b) appoint an acting captain for any county match when the captain will not be available; (c) arrange trials and practices for the county teams;
- award colours to such of the players that have played for the county, and such persons as have rendered outstanding service to the county as they think proper and in any event those players who have played regularly for the county for two consecutive seasons and in any event those players who have played regularly for the county for two consecutive seasons.
- Composition: The tournament sub-committee shall consist of a secretary (or joint secretaries) and a number of other members who shall be appointed by the committee.
- Powers: The sub-committee shall have the power to:
- make all necessary arrangements in connection with the Norfolk Open Championships;
- Settle dates and make all necessary arrangements for County Restricted Tournaments and all other restricted tournaments.
- Sanction all inter-county tournaments and notify the Badminton England of all tournaments to be played in the county, obtaining sanctions where necessary;
- The junior sub-committee shall be a sub-committee of the Association.
- A balance sheet must be submitted to the Association at the end of each season.
- The junior sub-committee shall consist of a chairman, secretary, treasurer and as many other appointments as is necessary.
The first team colours shall be the Norfolk County badge with the Roman numeral I in gold at the bottom. The second and third team colours shall be similar except that the Roman numeral II or III shall be at the bottom. Junior county colours will be awarded at the discretion of the junior selection sub-committee. Veterans county colours will be awarded at the discretion of the veterans sub-committee.
No alteration or amendment shall be made in the Rules of the Association except at a General Meeting, where the proposed alteration or amendments have been fully set out in the notice convening the meeting and where a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote shall vote for the proposed alterations or amendments.
The Association shall have the power to set up a disciplinary sub-committee to consider any complaint against a player or other person affiliated to the Association for alleged unacceptable conduct or performance. The complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with the Associations Disciplinary Procedure, which is based on that adhered to by the Badminton England.
The Association regards the protection of children who participate in badminton of paramount importance and is committed to ensuring that children are safe whilst playing the game. Therefore, we have adopted the Badminton England document entitled 'Child Protection Policy and Implementation Procedures in Badminton' and have appointed our Badminton Development Officer as our Child Welfare Officer from whom a copy of the document may be obtained.
- All individuals at all levels involved in BADMINTON England, must abide by BADMINTON England™s Child Protection Policy and the Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code™) and all individuals, by participating or being involved in badminton through BADMINTON England are deemed to have assented to and thereby adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodied in these documents.
- Each and every constituent member of BADMINTON England including, without limitation, all clubs and leagues shall be responsible for the implementation of the Child Protection Policy and Procedures in Badminton in relation to their individual members.
- Any act, statement or other behaviour that harms a child or group of children or poses a risk of harm to a child or group of children shall constitute conduct that is improper and thereby brings Badminton into disrepute. Such conduct will be dealt with, at the appropriate level, through the Disciplinary Procedure.
The Association is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and has adopted an Equal Opportunities Policy, a copy of which is available from the County Secretary.
If at any General Meeting of the Association, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Association, the secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting of the Association, to be held not less than one month thereafter, to discuss and vote on the resolution. If at that Special General meeting the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the members present, the Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Association and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Association. After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Association the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Association.